This Is Me
I started as a skeptic when first introduced to animal communication
I was raised to be curious, grew up open-minded, and have always been a steward for creatures – finned, furred and everything in between.
My love for animals has always been innate as my role in the family was caretaker to our always-evolving menagerie. For me, that meant grooming Jeanine (our first family pet), delivering Krishna’s unborn kitten, hunting down my brother’s hamster Felix (you do not want to know where he was found), and clipping the nails for Happy the skunk (my sister’s idea of unique).
Out from New Orleans

Out from New Orleans
Arno survived Hurricane Katrina. My husband and I spent our Valentine’s Day in 2006 volunteering at a pet rescue just outside the city. Arno came home with us.
But, after only 8 short years he was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma – one of the most aggressive life-threatening forms of cancer. Arno received emergency surgery to remove his damaged spleen and was optimally given two months to live. Our desperate pleas and insatiable need for more time lead us to a holistic animal hospital.
There, my entire world of “what I knew to be true” changed gears. And, my new perspective on wellness and prevention began. We were graced with six more quality months of his “Big Easy” love.
Animal Communication
Today, when I connect to animals through intuitive feelings, pictures and a clear knowing, I find myself in wonderment as I return to the feelings experienced as a child. Through my voice, they have shared expressions of poetry, humor, and profound messages.
My gift has allowed me to discover solutions, offer advice for improved quality of life and empower pet parents into becoming better images of themselves – all through the gentle nudge of animals.
From my readings, pets were presenting “issues” or wishing to tell their side of the story. All too often just to get a deeper message to their humans. Our life lessons seem to intertwine with theirs.


At times a loved one from the other side comes forward to bring a message. I am the narrator to a much larger picture that unfolds right before my very eyes.
What about me? I guess your loved ones from the other side were feeling left out. Soon, after entering my new awareness, they presented themselves with gentle hellos, sage wisdom and welcomed guidance.
Faced with the loss of my sister, I have discovered the true meaning and importance of sharing my mediumship gifts for the healing of others.
- Head Veterinarian Technician
- Pet Sitting (business)
- Groomer (business)
- Energy Healer
- Pet Wellness Counselor
- Animal Communicator (business)
- Psychic Medium
No Place Like Home

- Reiki
- Small Animal Massage
- Eden Energy Medicine
- Healing Touch for Animals
- Aromatherapy
- Animal Communication
- Flower Essence
Something Else
If you still have questions about animal communication and mediumship or you have a special request, just send me a message.
I try to respond to everybody within about 48 hours.
BTW: I will reach out via email…
not telepathically!